Meeting minutes for 11/06 Auto-WCAG call

(action items have been updated).
Note, I had occasional minor connection issues during the meeting, so if I
missed anything or misinterpreted, please let me know so I can update
minutes and resend.
Notes from auto-WCAG meeting on November 5th, 2014.

Action items:
Kamyar - no progress on 3.2.3 yet, still doing research.
Annika - Needs more time to work on eGov tests for 3.2
Wilco - working on 1.3.1 - fieldset.
Birkir - Finally 2.4.2 titles-across-pages has been updated. Due to visual
layout concerns he will 
run Wiki text by Annika for quick check up before updating test. Test can be
reviewed at next 
meeting (11/20).

On-going action items:
Everybody fill in their availability for the meeting plan:
Annika: A new meeting scribe page has been set up at

Recurring tasks - Wiki management and news articles:
Official wiki admin: Annika is now officially the wiki admin for the group.
Writing monthly reports of group activity and managing Twitter account -

Report from TPAC - Sharon
Discussions were lively and informative.
A lot of people are showing interest in our group and in improving the
accuracy and usability of 

automated accessibility testing tools. We are hoping this will generate some
Action item: Sharon to reach out to W3C folks to see if there is potential
for more collaboration.
We discussed presenting at next year's TPAC, but discovered that it will be
held in Tokyo, which 

makes travel prohibitively expensive.

1.1.1 non-text content

Started to review:
Group decided to postpone these discussions until Frank was able to join.
Group is concerned that there are test dependencies and that the selectors
are overly complex.
This will make it much harder to implement the tests in accessibility
testing tools.

Action item for everyone! Review the WCAG 1.1 documentation carefully with a
view towards coming 

up with a shorter list of WCAT tests.
Nobody said this was easy, 1.1.1 is one of the most difficult success
Reminder to all:
When your content is ready for review, pleaes mark it as such by putting
[[Category:Review]] in 

your wiki markup.

Accessibility of the Wiki.
There are a few accessibility concerns that we should address on the Wiki.
1. Inline links without underline. The problem probably bigger than just on
this wiki,). We are 

checking for a more accessible CSS setof files.
Annika is looking into this. 

2. We set up test/value pairs in tables, but the tables have no rowheader,
column one needs to be 

the row header for column two, i.e. the test is the rowheader for the value.
Either we need to 

research the wiki markup to figure out how to do this, or we change the
table set up to an 

unordered list or paragraphs of test/value pairs. 
Annika is looking into this.

3. Birkir noticed that in some pages the list of references is actually a
set of unordered lists 

with a single item in each. Group discovered taht this is caused by an
additional empty line 

between items in the Wiki markup. Make sure not to leave blank lines between
list items (items 

beginning with * in markup).

auto-WCAG Twitter account:
Group decided to average around 2 to 3 tweets per week.
Either with news updates of the group's own work or relevant news or
retweets from selected accounts.
Birkir to take care of this and make sure it stays on topic.

-----Original Message-----
From: Wilco Fiers [] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2014 8:38 AM
To: Birkir Gunnarsson
Subject: RE: Can you send me Twitter info via email

Don't really know mate. You have fun with it!

030-2398270 (ma t/m do)

  Goed geholpen? Recommend us:
  Trainingen Toegankelijkheid:
Van: Birkir Gunnarsson []
Verzonden: woensdag 22 oktober 2014 14:33
Aan: Wilco Fiers
Onderwerp: RE: Can you send me Twitter info via email

Do you have any introductory tweet in mind, or do you want me to get
I am trying to think of a teaser tweet, it is only 8:30am so I will see what
happens after a few cups of coffee.

-----Original Message-----
From: Wilco Fiers []
Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2014 8:31 AM
To: Birkir Gunnarsson
Subject: RE: Can you send me Twitter info via email

Yeah sure, here you go:

the account name is @autowcag, and the password is "greatA11y"


030-2398270 (ma t/m do)

  Goed geholpen? Recommend us:

  Trainingen Toegankelijkheid:
Van: Birkir Gunnarsson []
Verzonden: woensdag 22 oktober 2014 14:26
Aan: Wilco Fiers
Onderwerp: Can you send me Twitter info via email

Hey Wilco

If it is not much trouble, can you resend me the info via email that you
sent via Skype.
I keep Skype on my mobile evice so this would be fastest, but I can also
copy it or  download a Skype client for Windows to pitk it up, either way it
is fine.
I will look into this tonight, try to have something ready to go for
tomorrow meeting.
It is my birthday tomorrow, so I am tempted to take one day completely off,
but what we are doing in auto wcag is kinda fun so I think whatever else I
do I keep it on my shedule. ;) Cheers

Received on Tuesday, 11 November 2014 19:16:11 UTC