Minutes for Teleconference on 21 May 2014

Automated WCAG Monitoring Community Group
Teleconference 2014-05-21, 14:00 - 15:00 h (CET)

     Wilco Fiers
     Kamyar Rasta
     Emmanuelle Gutiérrez
     Hanno Lans
     Annika Nietzio
     Birkir Gunnarsson
     Katie Haritos-Shea

Chair: Wilco
Scribe: Annika

ITEM 1: Welcome and introduction

Short presentation of each participant:

Wilco Fiers (Accessibility Foundation, NL) is a front-end and back-end 
developer with several years of experience as accessibility evaluator.

Annika Nietzio (Forschungsinstitut Technologie und Behinderung, DE) is a 
web accessibility expert with focus on evaluation methodologies, 
automated checking of web accessibility, and accessibility benchmarking.

Birkir Gunnarsson works for Deque systems (consultancy and compliance 
checking for web accessibility). Deque has developed FireEyes [1]. 
Birkir is also a member of the ARIA task force.

Emmanuelle Gutiérrez y Restrepo (Sidar Foundation, ES) has long time 
experience in web accessibility. Currently, she is working on a new 
monitoring tool for Portugal, Spain, and South America.

Hanno Lans (KING, NL) is working on a web accessibility monitor for the 
Dutch government. The monitor is based on Quailjs [2].

Kamyar Rasta (Tingtun, NO) is a back-end developer for accessibility 
conformance testing.

Katie Haritos-Shea (US) has over fifteen years of accessibility 
experience. She worked for several government agencies. Currently, she 
works for a private company and is responsible for QA and web accessibility.

ITEM 2: Introduction to the community group

Wilco: auto-wcag was initiated by a European project: EIII "The European 
Internet Inclusion Initiative" [3]. Several members of the community 
participate in the project: Wilco, Kamyar, Birkir, Annika.

One of the goals of EIII is the development of a user testing tool that 
allows users to complement the results of an automated accessibility 
evalation. In existing approaches, automated tools are often targeted 
towards web developers. Some of the issues identified are not 
accessibility problems. Our research shows also that the results 
produced by different tools differ widely.

The goal of auto-wcag is to create test specifications that different 
people can implement. This will produce data to compare the tool and 
improve / generalise the test descriptions.

Katie: This is an amazing idea. This is also important for QA during web 
site development, to enable more developers to quickly check web 
accessibility (even if they have little knowledge of web accessibility). 
Web accessibility involves a complex combination of web technology, AT, 
user skills, etc.

Hanno: The Quailjs development is currently focusing on implementing 
more tests [4]. One of the challenges ist that Quailjs is reporting in 
EARL. The output of the tool has to respect this format, but WCAG is not 
very specific about applicability, e.g. which tests to apply if there is 
a video on the web page.

Emmanuelle: The Spanish monitoring tool will be presented to the public 
during ICCHP 2014. The paper title ist "Iberoamerican Observatory of Web 
Accessibility. A benchmarking and educative tool" [5]. The Sidar 
foundation is the central observatory, but the tool will be run by the 
government in each of the participating countries. This is very 
difficult outside Europe.

ITEM 3: The EIII template

Annika: There is an Introduction to auto-wcag test design on the wiki 
[6]. Goal is to supplement WCAG (and Techniques etc.) We should avoid to 
duplicate the WCAG content.

Discussion of Selectors:

Hanno: Selectors are related to the situations mentioned in WCAG.

Birkir: Screen readers have documented heuristics. This could also be 
part of the UTT. Applicability is an important issue, e.g. placeholders 
in forms are often too low contrast, but you cannot style them.

Discussion of Assertor requirements

Katie: Suggest to change item 3. and 4. too "HTML and WCAG".

Hanno: Human language is also an important aspect. Which tests require 
language knowledge? What about evaluations of multi-lingual web sites 
(like www.europa.eu)?

Wilco: We try to describe tests on lowest level of expertise.

ACTION: All participants, please read the Introduction [6] and provide 
feedback before the next meeting.

Hanno: I would like to add applicabilty  and relationship failures <-> 
techniques. We use this format [7].

ITEM 4: Test design

Wilco: There is a list of tests on the wiki [8]. Some tests already have 
some content, for example SC 1.4.1 [9]. The main goal of auto-wcag is 
the development of further tests.

Annika: The template [10] still needs improvement.

ACTION: All participants, please read the template [10] and suggest 

Wilco: The EIII project will implement the first 5 tests in the next 
couple of weeks.

ACTION: Birkir to add tests for SC 2.4.2.

ITEM 5: Commenting and collaboration tools

Use the discussion pages on the wiki to comment on the introduction and 
test template. You can also add comments to other pages. In this case, 
please send a brief message to the mailing list, to make sure that the 
comments are not overlooked.

The next telecon is scheduled for 2014-05-28.

1. The next telecon will be on Skype. Wilco is looking also for other 
2. The chat will be only on IRC (#auto-wcag). The chat functionality of 
Skype should not be used to avoid confusion of using two chat windows in 


[1] http://www.deque.com/products/fireeyes/
[2] http://quailjs.org/
[3] http://eiii.eu/
[5] http://registration.icchp.org/Programme/ShowAbstract?submission=535
[7] https://github.com/quailjs/quail/issues/172
[8] https://www.w3.org/community/auto-wcag/wiki/Test_overview
[9] https://www.w3.org/community/auto-wcag/wiki/1.4.1_Use_of_Color
[10] http://www.w3.org/community/auto-wcag/wiki/Test_template



Received on Thursday, 22 May 2014 07:36:22 UTC