Tentative F2F planning

As we all know, traveling to the US or Europe could be difficult in the
months to come.  We had tentatively scheduled a F2F on Jun 11-12 or Jun
22-23. If things improve by, say, mid-May where travel is safe again, I
think we should try these dates. (But I probably won't be able to leave the
Bay Area at that time).

The alternative would be to hold a virtual meeting.  Given the approx 8 hr
time-zone difference the only reasonable time would be morning US and
afternoon Europe, otherwise someone has to either stay up really really
late or get up really early.

Proposal:  Meet Jun 8-11 and 15-18 for two hours each day.  Let's say 7am
US, and 3pm GMT.  No one has to get up too early or stay at work too late.

We can discuss this more in the upcoming meetings.

Received on Friday, 13 March 2020 17:22:31 UTC