AW: Individualizing HRTFs?

Hi Dave,


these days, the research communities are very active developing algorithms to individualize HRTFs – they publish their results openly.


At some point of time, companies will offer you to generated a HRTF that is well tailored to your ears – I guess.











Von: Dave Lampton [] 
Gesendet: Samstag, 29. Oktober 2016 19:38
An: Christian Hoene <>; Audio Working Group <>
Betreff: Re: Individualizing HRTFs?


Hi Christian, thanks for bringing this up. I have a question that perhaps you or someone else on the list can answer...


In the abstract for the AES69-2015 standard, I noticed the following: "With a standardized file format for HRTF and DRIR data, each company could contribute its best algorithms, providing good personalized capture and/or rendering".


Does anybody know if any companies have shared their capture algorithms with the community?


I gather that using SOFA, datasets would be clearly defined which should allow rendering algorithms to be deduced. But the myriad capture processes that could be used to fill a SOFA-defined dataset may still vary tremendously from one organization to the next, and/or from one use-case to the next. Some methods being simple, crude approximations, while other techniques are elaborate and precise, but necessarily complex.


It could be really enlightening (or at least interesting) to examine and evaluate the various methods used in industry today. But so far, have any organizations been willing to share the secret recipe for their special sauce? I'm pretty far removed from today's pro-audio industry, but in the 90's these sorts of IP assets were usually closely guarded trade secrets.



Dave Lampton



On Fri, Oct 28, 2016 at 11:12 AM Christian Hoene < <> > wrote:



in order to support high quality spatial audio rendering, individualized HRTF should be used.


Recently, the AES has standardized the SOFA format, which describes HRTFs.


So far, each browser just uses a default HRTF. I am wondering, whether Web Audio should support the SOFA format and thus individualized HRTFs.


Any plans?


Christian Hoene



Received on Saturday, 29 October 2016 17:56:33 UTC