Re: Node lifetime question

But in that case, A and B both have "playing" references as per the
Lifetime section of the spec, so JS references are irrelevant.

So here is an improved and hopefully more troubling statement of the

Let's say that osc A is modulating the frequency of osc B, but that B
reached its stop time (and A has no stop time). Would we keep B alive
anyway, because retained node A is modulating it, in spite of the fact that
B can only produce silence?

  var oscA = new OscillatorNode(...);
  var oscB = new OscillatorNode(...);
  oscB.stop(ctx.currentTime + 1);
  oscA = oscB = null;

.            .       .    .  . ...Joe

Joe Berkovitz
Noteflight LLC

+1 978 314 6271

49R Day Street
Somerville MA 02144

"Bring music to life"

On Fri, Sep 30, 2016 at 7:18 PM, Raymond Toy <> wrote:

> I think it should.  If A and B are both oscillators and A is connected to,
> say, B.frequency, I expect to hear the modulated B even if A and B have no
> Javascript references to them.
> On Fri, Sep 30, 2016 at 1:22 PM, Joe Berkovitz <> wrote:
>> I sat down to work on
>> b-audio-api/issues/944 and discovered a question.
>> So: we already know (I think) that when AudioNode A's output is connected
>> to AudioNode B's input, then A has a "connection reference" to B. Thus, if
>> A is retained, B is retained too.
>> But what about the case where AudioNode A is connected to an AudioParam
>> exposed by AudioNode B? Does A keep B alive in this case?
>> .            .       .    .  . ...Joe

Received on Monday, 3 October 2016 15:05:15 UTC