Re: [Minutes] Audio WG teleconference 18 June 2015

On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 9:06 PM, Joe Berkovitz <> wrote:

> 4. AudioWorker Progress
> Chris has discussed issue #532 with Alex Russell of the TAG. No particular
> outcomes there but Chris has also found that there seems to be little
> prospect of having script loading and execution run in some thread other
> than the audio thread, meaning that loading up AudioWorkers will inevitably
> cause glitching as scripts are initialize.  This is not a showstopper
> though: the feature is still incredibly useful and important; it just means
> that scripts should be loaded either as part of app initialization or while
> audio is quiescent.
> Need Paul's input on this, and determination of best way forward to create
> a reasonable definition of AudioWorker (perhaps still not a Worker,
> fundamentally) so pushed back on Needs WG Review.
> @padenot can you please chime on on this subject via email?

Yeah well I'm not happy about that. I'll be talking to some people this
week. Also, yes, this is not really a worker at this point.

My current thinking is that native can load dynamic code without glitching,
so Web Audio API should be able to do the same.


Received on Sunday, 21 June 2015 14:59:35 UTC