Re: AudioWorker proposal

No, since AudioWorker is derived from Worker, it responds to (and has
access to) .postMessage and .onmessage - enabling you to send and receive
messages between the main thread and the audio worker, even structured
objects (if they're clonable). (See  The
isolation of everything else is a feature.  You could, for example,
transfer an ArrayBuffer, so you could implement convolution or something
else that requires a data array - but you don't need to worry about race
conditions, because it's message-based and transferable or clonable only.

In this way, we can also not worry about the neutering/reuse/new'ing of
ArrayBuffers for the onaudioprocess calls - because they're not across
threads - and this is a desirable optimization, since we don't need to
thrash memory (by alloc'ing new objects for every audioprocess call).

On Fri, Jul 18, 2014 at 12:05 PM, Joseph Berkovitz <>

> Thanks, Chris. I think you are saying the worker script will effectively
> do something like this:
> // Assign global audio processing callback for this worker
> audioprocess = function(playbackTime, buffer) {
>   //…handle input passed via the buffer parameter
> };
> The one concern I see with this is that it may make it harder to pass a
> flexible bunch of information to the worker — this information is currently
> burned into the AudioProcessCallback parameter list as a playback time and
> a buffer. Even if we don’t use an AudioProcessingEvent, wouldn’t some kind
> of single object (AudioProcessingData?) holding the worker’s input and
> output data be easier to evolve over time than a parameter list, if there
> are changes or alternatives down the road?
> Also, I’m wondering why the sampleRate is provided in the global scope and
> not as an parameter to the callback (or, if you accept my idea, an
> attribute of some AudioProcessingData object)?
> …Joe
> On Jul 18, 2014, at 12:57 PM, Chris Wilson <> wrote:
> Yes, that's somewhat correct.  The only bit that isn't correct is that it
> probably shouldn't really be an AudioProcessingEvent - because since the
> goal is to be synchronous, it should be called directly, not posted or
> fired.  Something like (totally off the top of my head):
> [Constructor(DOMString scriptURL, optional unsigned long bufferSize)]
> interface AudioWorker : Worker {
> };
> callback AudioProcessCallback = void (double playbackTime, AudioBuffer buffer);interface AudioWorkerGlobalScope : DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope {  attribute AudioProcessCallback audioprocess;  readonly attribute float sampleRate;};
> interface ScriptProcessorNode : AudioNode {  readonly attribute double latency;  readonly attribute AudioWorker worker;};
> partial interface AudioContext {  ScriptProcessorNode createScriptProcessor(    DOMString scriptURL,    optional unsigned long bufferSize = 0,    optional unsigned long numberOfInputChannels = 2,    optional unsigned long numberOfOutputChannels = 2);}
> On Thu, Jul 17, 2014 at 11:28 AM, Joseph Berkovitz <>
> wrote:
>> Hi Chris,
>> I remember the issue (and contributed some comments to it at the time)
>> but it’s difficult to determine the exact proposal that was discussed at
>> last week’s meeting, since a number of variants are proposed in github
>> issue 113 with different folks suggesting this flavor or that flavor.
>> From the fact that Olivier called this “synchronous”, I'm guessing that
>> you were discussing an AudioWorker object that executes directly in the
>> audio thread and doesn’t have to deal with message-passing. I infer that an
>> AudioWorker obtains its input (and output?) audio buffer directly from an
>> AudioProcessingEvent passed to the worker’s “onaudioprocess” function
>> defined in its AudioWorkerGlobalScope. This was proposed in your comment of
>> March 26, I think.
>> Is that understanding correct? Were further changes to this approach
>> discussed?
>> …Joe
>> On Jul 17, 2014, at 1:03 PM, Chris Wilson <> wrote:
>> It's mostly written up in the issue (
>>, but I realized on
>> the call that I hadn't yet written out an IDL for how the synchronous
>> version would work.
>> On Thu, Jul 17, 2014 at 9:53 AM, Paul Adenot <> wrote:
>>>  On Thu, Jul 17, 2014, at 06:43 PM, Joseph Berkovitz wrote:
>>> Hi Olivier,
>>> On Jul 11, 2014, at 6:16 AM, Olivier Thereaux <
>>>> wrote:
>>> * Progress of scriptprocessornodes in workers issue
>>> We discussed a proposal for a synchronous model for the node. There will
>>> also be a Call for Consensus soon on the possibility of breaking changes
>>> for the main thread ScriptProcessorNode.
>>> Is there a writeup of the proposal that was discussed?
>>> Not as far as I know. We kind of agreed on a super high level, but
>>> nothing very solid yet.
>>> Paul.
>>          .            .       .    .  . ...Joe
>> *Joe Berkovitz*
>> President
>> *Noteflight LLC*
>> Boston, Mass. phone: +1 978 314 6271
>> "Your music, everywhere"

Received on Friday, 18 July 2014 19:28:11 UTC