Re: Web Audio and Pro Sample Libraries

Hi all,

Just wanted to +1 Jussi's proposal for the creation of a "general 
purpose sample library player".

Jussi: does your proposal mean for single instruments (e.g. "Grand Piano")?
I think it might be almost as easy, and lead to a more elegant future, 
if the aim was to create
a general purpose MIDI "sound font" player. Maybe there's a layer 
between what you are proposing,
and doing that.

I'm currently developing a special "sound font" for a new (SVG-MIDI) 
score I'm writing. Of course,
this currently only works locally with the Web MIDI API, so I've got a 
Javascript sound font player
on my TODO list. for next year.

Are there any professionals out there working on this, or am I going to 
have to roll my own?

All the best,

Received on Monday, 30 September 2013 12:07:51 UTC