Re: Feature request and a Chrome 22 bug?

On 06/11/2012 14:02, Joseph Berkovitz wrote:
> Hi Ray,
> The feature request is an interesting point and it has come up before
> on the list:
>> A gain node's gain parameter effectively serves as an envelope node
>> if you feed a unity signal to the gain node. This has gotten really
>> expressive particularly after connect() began supporting
>> AudioParams as targets. Do you have a use case in mind that cannot
>> be covered by such a gain node that would be covered by an envelope
>> node?

I missed that particular message, but I've seen similar ones.

My main point is that it's needlessly complicated (and _very_ difficult
to figure out) to create that BufferSourceNode - a standard
"UnitySourceNode" would avoid many such problems

> The suggested approach in that discussion was to do exactly what you
> have done: create a looped BufferSourceNode with a unity signal.  It
> only really needs a single sample, not 1024.

I didn't try with just 1 - I was kind of assuming that it takes more
effort to reset a BufferSourceNode than to just pick the next sample.

> Offhand I don't know why this should not work on Chrome 22 and I
> don't know if there is a bug or not. Perhaps one of the Google folks
> will chime in.

I hope so!

FWIW, I've just uploaded my demo (which currently appears to require
Canary because of the aforementioned bug) to:

It's not yet ready for prime-time blogging, so please no-one post about
it elsewhere just yet.

In particular, the "slide" and "accent" features aren't implemented yet.
 Also, it doesn't sound _that_ much like a TB-303 yet ;-)

kind regards,


Received on Tuesday, 6 November 2012 19:10:29 UTC