Re: Web Audio API sequencer capabilities

On 6 Oct, 2012, at 4:27 AM, Joe Berkovitz <> wrote:
> Actually, I didn't ever think a GainNode would generate its own signal. Rather, it did not occur to me to drive a set of AudioParams with an envelope via the audio rate modulation feature, using a gain controlled unity signal. It is this last idea that seems a bit tricky and unclear for API novices. If there were something like a UnitySourceNode, I would feel better.

Chris R - I see that the AudioBufferSourceNode's 'gain' attribute was removed from the spec in Apr '11 (, but it is present in all webkit implementations even today, including Chrome Canary. In, you wrote -- "We may need to re-visit the removal of these gain attributes from the API, since I've found several pages out in the wild using them.  They're not harmful attributes, just ones I felt could be cleaned up (removed) since AudioGainNode can be used instead.  We may need to choose a deprectation path, or simply keep them."

With the 'gain' parameter, the AudioBufferSourceNode would offer a single node solution to envelope generation. You can set a one sample buffer with sample value = 1, turn on looping and work with its gain parameter. This is simple enough that a special UnitySourceNode and an EnvelopeNode would be superfluous. (I only just realized I've been using the ABSN this way instead of the "GainNode with unity signal" approach I mentioned earlier .. but was surprised to find that the ABSN.gain parameter was removed from the spec.)

AudioBuffer.gain and AudioListener.gain are likely to be superfluous, but if AudioBufferSourceNode.gain is removed, a gain node seems likely to be necessary most of the time anyway. Given that the ability to connect a node to an AudioParam didn't exist when the ABSN.gain parameter was removed, it is worth reconsidering it in the context of envelopes as well.


Received on Saturday, 6 October 2012 04:03:52 UTC