Re: Thoughts and questions on the API from a modular synth point of view

Ah, that clarifies not hearing any sound. I did read about the noteOn() but
forgot about it when the oscillator was already generating sound by its
own, without any additional commands. So apparently the implementation has
changed in newer versions of Chrome? How can i update to a new version, my
Chrome (20.0.1132.57 win7) says it's up to date.

Apart from that, there's something strange. I must have run this at work on
about 10 different machines today, and they all did exactly the same: crash
within 20s (mac+pc, didnt matter). I'm at home now, ran the same test
(mediaelement+analyser+destination) and it never crashes. I've been coding
on this for the past 3 days at home, never had a single crash on it.
Strange thing is that i have the exact same Chrome version here at home as
i have at work.

2012/7/17 Chris Wilson <>

> I think Ray meant "I don't hear any sound" - because I don't either.  You
> need to call noteOn().
> On Tue, Jul 17, 2012 at 12:46 PM, Peter van der Noord <
>> wrote:
>> I assume that by "I hear nothing using Chrome 22.x" you mean that you
>> don't hear the artefact, but do hear sound?
>> And yes, that's all i have to do. It doesn't matter how long i wait after
>> twiddling the slider (which directly sets the value on the audio-param)
>> before connecting it to the destination, i always hear the frequency jump
>> quickly to the final value (seems to be always in the same amount of time,
>> less 0.25s).
>> But if you hear nothing with a newer version (i run 20.x) then there's no
>> problem right? I should just update.
>> Peter
>> 2012/7/17 Raymond Toy <>
>>> On Mon, Jul 16, 2012 at 11:21 AM, Peter van der Noord <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> I was actually referring to how the situation shuold be (in my
>>>> opinion), not to a particular case, but having said that...these artefacts
>>>> do seem to happen in my chrome (20.0.somewhat)
>>>> - add an oscillator
>>>> - add a destination
>>>> - move the upper slider of the oscillator all the way up
>>>> - connect osc to destination
>>>> - you hear the tone go up
>>> And that's all you need to do?  If so, then I'm getting strange results
>>> because I hear nothing using Chrome 22.x.
>>> Ray

Received on Tuesday, 17 July 2012 20:06:50 UTC