Re: Standardizing audio "level 1" features first?

Hey Colin!

I think you just voiced out the consensus of almost every live conversation
I've had about this.

I agree that at this stage we should get the important part, low-level
stuff, out there quickly. The basic connectivity, alpha and omega, r/w
access to all audio/video streams present in the browser now and in the
future. Trying to standardize more will potentially delay the date we get
that access across all of the web. It will also increase the chances that
we're going to go wrong. It's easy to change how a JS library works,
because it won't break existing code, the code that would break can use an
older version. But once it's built in the browser, you're stuck with it. It
becomes hard to change, if not impossible, as we're seeing in the vendor
prefix debate right now.

Of course, I'm biased, but like I said, it's also the consensus of almost
every live conversation I've had.

Jussi Kalliokoski

On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 4:29 AM, Colin Clark <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm Colin Clark, a composer and open source web developer. I'm also the
> author of Flocking, a nascent JavaScript synthesis and audio processing
> framework for artists and composers. I'm no DSP expert, but I've had a lot
> of fun recently working with the current generation of web audio APIs. I've
> been following this working group's discussions for the past several months
> and wanted to share a few thoughts.
> In my mind, the mark of a good web standard is that it's sufficiently
> robust and low-level enough to enable developers working in JavaScript to
> create innovative, comprehensive, and performant libraries and frameworks
> to suit the diverse needs of their users. Simply put, there's never going
> to be a single, one-size-fits-all audio processing framework that will meet
> everyone's needs and use cases. Lower-level APIs help promote choice and
> innovation, even if they're not the easiest to use or most comprehensive.
> We've seen a lot of this in practice on the web: as far as View
> technologies go, the DOM is pretty low-level. The fact that it doesn't
> specify a component model for user interface widgets (which it probably
> would have done poorly) has enabled an incredible amount of innovation by
> libraries and frameworks like jQuery, Dojo, and others. Each library takes
> a unique approach to the architecture and developer ergonomics of user
> interface widgets, and web developers are free to choose the one that best
> suits their needs and style. Similarly, Canvas and WebGL provide excellent
> low-level APIs upon which library developers can build suitable
> abstractions. And developer choice has flourished as a result.
> The same is true for audio synthesis: there are a lot of interesting ways
> to build a synthesis environment. In the desktop world, SuperCollider,
> CSound, and ChucK are markedly different; each optimizes for a different
> use case and philosophy. Already on the web, we've got Jussi's Audiolib,
> Joe Turner's Audiolet, Corban Brook's dsp.js, and more. These libraries are
> already showing their authors' unique approaches to solving the problem of
> synthesis on the web.
> Similarly, the difficulty of standardizing signal processing algorithms
> shouldn't be underestimated. I think it's clear to all of us that there are
> many algorithms for even simple tasks like generating basic waveforms. Each
> has its own trade-offs, and instrument designers will need to pick the best
> one for their needs and processing requirements. For example, doing simple
> amplitude modulation with a triangle wave for a vibrato effect won't
> require the added processing complexity of a band-limited oscillator. But
> for modelling an analog synthesizer, complex band-limited waveforms are
> absolutely critical. In the end, developers are going to need both, and we
> can't possibility standardize each and every algorithm and then expect
> browser vendors to implement them. And, as roc points out, multiple browser
> implementations are the key to a healthy, competitive web.
> So if we can't standardize everything, how do we ensure that developers
> can fill in the gaps? I think the ideal audio specification would put web
> developers working in JavaScript on the same footing as the browser
> developers in terms of their ability to extend the system in a reasonably
> performant way. Such a standard would address the most critical problems of
> writing data to audio devices, handling latency, and processing samples
> efficiently within Web Workers. At it would leave a lot of room for
> libraries and frameworks to innovate.
> I'm sensitive to the fact that JavaScript today faces a number of critical
> performance issues that make writing real-time systems difficult.
> Nonetheless, given how long standards take to propagate, it's probably best
> to lean towards a solution that will scale into the future, where more and
> more complex application code will be written in JavaScript. Most runtime
> engines have seen order of magnitude performance improvements in the last
> five years. Web workers provide an isolated environment where processing
> can be done independently from the main thread, and hopefully browser
> vendors will invest in improved, realtime-friendly garbage collection
> strategies. It may not be awesome yet, but do you think the language has
> the potential to host realtime processing in a scalable way?
> I wonder if it makes sense to consider a simpler "Level 1" specification
> that doesn't yet tackle the modelling of a single audio processing pipeline
> or standardization of unit generators written in C. Instead, JavaScript
> developers will need to create the abstractions that best suit their needs.
> While I haven't yet had an opportunity to work with roc's MediaStreams
> proposal, it seems closer to this idea of "useful minimalism" than the Web
> Audio API, which aims to be comprehensive. This  simpler approach may not
> be the ideal solution, nor a comprehensive one, but it might be a good
> first path, giving multiple browser vendors an opportunity to get solid
> implementations in place and enabling developers and musicians to build
> more cool stuff.
> At very least, perhaps we'd consider writing an additional use case or two
> that captures the needs of web developers to create useful libraries,
> processing algorithms, and abstractions on top of the lower-level API, just
> to ensure we're keeping this need in mind while we're comparing and
> refining the two proposals. I'd be happy to help out this if it's useful to
> anyone.
> I hope my comments are helpful,
> Colin
> ---
> Colin Clark
> Technical Lead, Fluid Project

Received on Friday, 10 February 2012 08:45:21 UTC