Re: Adding MIDI APIs to Audio WG Charter (was: MIDI enumeration (was: Re: getUserMedia use cases))

Hi Jussi, Joe,

I don't yet have much experience using Javascript, but

looks like a good start from where I'm sitting. :-)

Something I don't understand / that needs thinking about: How, as a Javascript author, do
I get access to MIDI information being generated live by a MIDI _input_ device? Would be
wonderful if that could be arranged.

Joe, I understood Marat to be saying that JS-based wavetable synths _are_ a distinct
possibility. Presumably, browsers should use them wherever they are provided, rather than
the attached devices. But, as I said, Javascript is not my strong point. I take your
word for it that they work! :-)

Perhaps its also worth noting, that users may have post-production software such as Cubase
or Ableton installed, and that these can also be made accessible via devices which appear
in the user's MIDI output devices list.



Received on Monday, 6 February 2012 17:44:49 UTC