Re: Review of Web Audio Processing: Use Cases and Requirements

Hello Michael,

General comments for now - I will go into details when entering issues into our tracker.

On 27 Jun 2012, at 20:04, Michael Cooper wrote:
> I haven't proposed use cases but do think
> we need to develop a use case that explains a user with a screen reader
> and who depends on audio cues from the operating system, who is also
> interacting with Web application audio as proposed in the other use cases.

This sounds like a good opportunity to truly enrich our use case #8:

Making the UC about a strong need to use and control UI audio cues will make it more interesting.

> Are there issues with needing to provide a way for limits e.g., on total
> volume when multiple tracks layered, or is this handled by audio
> equipment? 
> Need a requirement to provide ways to avoid triggering audio-sensitive
> epileptic seizures.

These are interesting needs, and we need to have a good think about safeguards and whether/how to implement them. I like to think in terms of "enabling developers to do the right thing" rather than "adding limitations against such mistakes" so the answer to your concerns might reside in developer guidelines? Or are we seeing a need for user preference at the (browser) implementation level?


Received on Friday, 29 June 2012 09:42:50 UTC