Re: Comments on draft MIDI API


The last decent Java music component was Gervill, a very nice synth that deserves a better fate. It would be great to have a robust software synth with an API similar to Gervill. Check it out here :

I like that Palaeolithic scale too, basic, but a nice sub set of that Stelliferous mother of them all ;-)



On 2012-06-26, at 6:06 PM, Jussi Kalliokoski wrote:

> AFAICT, MIDI Tuning [1] defines tuning messages as SysEx messages, which are quite supported by the API. So it's up to the synth in question (or framework) to decide whether it implements this feature or not. Hopefully it will, because I'm a world music lover myself (I particularly enjoy the Esfahan scale).
> Cheers,
> Jussi
> [1]
> On Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 10:18 PM, TJ <> wrote:
> How are microtonal scales being supported? 
> One would hope that the W3C will build an API worthy of all world music, see all the Scala scales available :
> Oh, yeah, using pitchbend messages is poor way to handle this. The MMA has worked out the right way to do this in their tuning spec eons ago. Its likely the opportune time to support it.
> Thom
> On 2012-06-26, at 1:43 PM, Jussi Kalliokoski wrote:
>> I've made a few changes based on the feedback [1]. I didn't yet add any events to the MIDIAccess interface, I'll need to think more about what events it should have and what don't make sense in the context of web apps.
>> I'm also thinking about changing the MIDIMessage into a dictionary as Dom originally suggested. Dom, wouldn't it actually mean that for example with sendMIDIMessage(MIDIMessage msg); you could use an EcmaScript Object that would have those properties instead of it having to be an actual instance of a MIDIMessage? I can see added ease of use in this, but then again, it's used in the MIDIEvent as well, so it's a bit problematic.
>> Cheers,
>> Jussi
>> [1]

Received on Wednesday, 27 June 2012 03:46:46 UTC