Re: Timing limitations when programming MIDI with Javascript

Was just about to hit send on a reply to James when Jussi's mail came in.
 +1 to what he said.

The only thing I'd add is the the current spec treats DOMHighResTimeStamp
as if it has an innate zero-reference point (a la "milliseconds since UNIX
epoch"), which it does not - unless we explicitly refer to

Also, in noting that the params are readonly, I'm starting to wonder if it
would be best to stay with this API but additionally have a "send short
message immediately" that doesn't use the MIDIMessage structure - it seems
like overkill to create a UInt8Array, call createMIDIMessage, etc.  when
what I really want to do is

out.sendShortMessage( out.NOTEON, channel, notenumber, velocity );

Definition would look something like

boolean  createMIDIMessage (short status, short channel, short? data1,
short? data2);

Additionally, I'm not sure why all the parameters in MIDIMessage are

On Mon, Jun 4, 2012 at 10:56 AM, Jussi Kalliokoski <> wrote:

> Hello James!
> This could be realized by having either
>> 1) two different functions in the API:
>> creatMidiMessage(...) and createTimeStampedMIDIMessage().
>> rather than a single function with an optional argument as at present in
>> Midibridge's
>> midiAccess.createMIDIMessage(...)
>> or
>> 2) some way of declaring globally that the programmer wants to use
>> time-stamps of some sort.
> The spec currently says that the timestamp is optional, being filled in as
> the current time. However, I don't see the value of having two types of
> MIDIMessages, with and without timestamps. The DOMHighResolutionTimeStamp
> is currently specified to be a double, and the cost of having a double in a
> struct is as much as having a pointer instead in 64bit system, which is not
> that much, even for a smartphone. The timestamp will be the least of the
> implementations' memory concerns, I'd believe. Garbage collection isn't
> necessarily a problem, since implementations will probably just use JS
> wrappers for the messages and the data will actually be stored in an
> underlying struct, and MIDI isn't exactly one of the highest traffic
> protocols anyway.
>> I've been investigating the limitations on timing in Javascript
>> applications:
>> 1. According to the W3C standard, the delay set in setTimeout() will
>> never be less than 4 milliseconds [2]. In practise, the lower limit can be
>> much larger [3].
>> 2. The time interval in setInterval() is measured in milliseconds, so
>> there are limits on the rates at which it can be used to send MIDI Clock
>> events. (MIDI defines the rate at which MIDI Clocks are sent in
>> *microseconds*. MIDI-Clocks are usually sent event every 20 milliseconds or
>> so.)
> Yes, this is exactly why timestamps are quite essential in a MIDI API that
> will be in a JavaScript environment, they allow you to make the messages
> happen as accurately as possible, i.e. ahead of time, so that you don't
> have to rely on unreliable timing systems such as setTimeout().
>> 3. I suspect that multithreading comes in here somewhere...
> Yes, multithreading is something we need to talk about, I just haven't
> formed my own opinion yet either. E.g. currently there's no great way to
> process MIDI messages in a worker, for example you can't create MIDI
> messages in a worker (no MIDIAccess), and I'm not sure making MIDIMessage a
> non-[[NoInterface]] (i.e. global) is a very good idea, the global scope is
> polluted enough as it is. What we could do, however, is that
> sendMIDIMessage() would accept JavaScript objects that have all the
> properties of a MIDIMessage.
> Cheers,
> Jussi
> P.S.
>> [1]
> Regarding this, I believe the reason Quicktime would react slowly to patch
> change commands is that as it's processing the soft-synth output as buffers
> (probably big ones to have minimal performance overhead), it might be just
> disregarding a patch change that occurs in the middle of the buffer and
> apply it before the next buffer.

Received on Monday, 4 June 2012 18:14:44 UTC