Html5 Midi API

I applaud you for setting this in motion. It will benefit many Universities
as well as companies and musicians. May I recommend that you build in a
method to store the midi information in an array so we can manipulate the
data or stream at a later point even if the device that created it is no
longer connected to the system. The types of data that could be stored
should be Velocity, Note number, Midi Ch, clock, smpte time, satus byte 0
and 1 + CC's. Also the ability to route note message trigger's to multiple
destinations from multiple sources regardless of source device or data
array source.

Thank You for having the Foresight to add this.

*David Prouty*
*CellPhone 707-843-9798*

*Bitz & Bytes Creative Blog*

Received on Thursday, 31 May 2012 12:24:04 UTC