Implementation Timeline Guesstimates

Hi all,

I am really excited about the new changes to the Spec. I think it's great
work by the committee and everyone involved.

I was wondering what are we looking at for timelines of these specs to be
implemented in the supporting browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Opera)? I can
understand that these will only be guesstimates.

Since some of the specs deprecate certain functionality, some of these
updates might be breaking code. Hence based on update schedules we might
have situations where bits of the functionality work in one browser but not
in others. I am sure in due time there will be monkey patches and polyfills
to the rescue.

I am just hoping to have a vague idea of timelines so I can start looking
out for breaking code on a more regular basis.


Received on Tuesday, 11 November 2014 08:02:30 UTC