ATAG 2 comments

> A.2.3.1 Independence of Display: Authors can set their own display settings for editing views (including WYSIWYG views) without affecting the web content to be published. (Level A) [Implementing A.2.3.1]

This statement seems contradictory. A personalized view for the authoring tool that displays content differently from the the view to be published, by definition, CANNOT be considered WYSIWYG. I also believe this requirement puts undue burden on the user interface design of the authoring tool, because it's difficult for a simple, usable UI to accurately convey that this-is-your-own-view-of-the-content-but-its-not-the-same-as-what-will-be-published… WYSINRWYG: What you see is not really what you get.

I don't agree that this is necessary, and I'd recommend downgrading this from a Level A requirement to a Level AAA suggestion.

Perhaps this could be changed to remove the confusing reference to WYSIWYG: "Authors can set their own display settings for alternate editing views without affecting the web content to be published." If that change were made, I could accept this as a Level A requirement.

> A.3.1.1 Keyboard Access (Minimum): All functionality of the authoring tool is operable through a keyboard interface, except where editing web content properties that encode continuous input. (Level A) [Implementing A.3.1.1] 

Please change "Keyboard Access" to "Keyboard Equivalent Access" and change "keyboard interface" to "keyboard equivalent interface." 

For example, all functionality of iOS and accessible iOS applications is available through a keyboard equivalent and is accessible through multi-sensory output (sight and sound, and touch if using a external braille display), and does not require a standard keyboard interface to be accessible.

Example: See Victor Tsaran's demo of iPhone4/iOS4 with an external braille display.

> A.3.2.2 Timing Adjustable: If a time limit is set by the authoring tool, then at least one of the following is true: (Level A) [Implementing A.3.2.2]
> …
> (f) 20 Hour Exception: The time limit is longer than 20 hours.

Minor: I'm pretty sure the 508 refresh requires 8 hours for the exception, not 20. If you have a good reason to refute 508, please file a comment on that requirement. Otherwise, I'd suggest remaining consistent and using the 8 hour exception.


Received on Thursday, 15 July 2010 01:26:00 UTC