Minutes from 30 November

Minutes from the ARIA teleconference ov 30 November are provided below as
text. They're also available as hypertext at:



                                                      Accessible Rich Internet Applications Working Group Teleconference

30 Nov 2017


          Irfan_Ali, Joanmarie_Diggs, MichaelC, Stefan_Schnabel, janina, jongund, matt_king




     * Topics
         1. December meetings
         2. Face-to-face in Spring 2018?
         3. ACRep review of ARIA 1.1 and Core AAM 1.1
         4. Repo split and proposed branching procedures
     * Summary of Action Items
     * Summary of Resolutions

   <joanie> agenda: this

   <joanie> agenda: be done

   <scribe> scribe: janina

December meetings

   jd: It's customary to take the last two weeks of December off
   ... I'm unavailable 7 Dec. Do we want to meet 14 Dec?

   mk: Should depend on the agenda?

   ss: Would we need it?

Face-to-face in Spring 2018?

   jd: At TPAC we determined that a face to face in 2018 would be useful
   ... I'm suggesting April or May
   ... Also thinking it could be in Ontario, phps Mozilla in Toronto
   ... Reasons include key Mozilla participants

   mk: Is good for me
   ... I'm thinking we may need yet another F2F, not just spring and TPAC
   ... Or phps more days to cover a very full agenda

   [discussion of desirable participation and potential venues]

   jg: April better than May for me. Could probably participate in person

   janina: FYI Passover and Easter are both around April 1

ACRep review of ARIA 1.1 and Core AAM 1.1

   <joanie> https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/33280/2017-11_PR_wai-aria/results

   jd: We have 25 supporting votes, and 2 abstentions
   ... No vote yet from Mozilla or Google

   mc: Probably not a problem because both Google and Mozilla have implementations in AAM
   ... We have one comment on Dpub module, though supports even if we don't implement the requested change
   ... I'm working on it

   <joanie> https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/33280/2017-11_PR_dpub-aria/results

   mc: I'm currently looking at publishing on 12 Dec, but want to discuss APG timeline
   ... Prefer to pub AAMs together, but not really necessary to do that
   ... Would like to send Transition Request 1 Dec

   jd: What's the requested Dpub change?

   mc: Want Abstract role to descend from landmark

   mk: Let's please not decide such a thing now in haste!

   mc: We only need to show we responded to them. They're not opposing moving forward, even if we disagree

   jd: I'll look to provide forensic pointer

   mc: That would be helpful

   ss: Phps for 1.2?

   mc: That's a possible response.

   jd: But, believe we considered and decided it's not a good idea
   ... Will try to dig out refs

Repo split and proposed branching procedures

   jd: First repo ...

   mc: Has been a discussion with Editors for some time
   ... Moving to have each spec have it's individual repo
   ... Were waiting for a time when little editing was ongoing, and that's now
   ... Have begun to split out
   ... Should be finished soon
   ... Editor draft location will change
   ... Expect some files will disappear because they've been moved elsewhere

   jd: Wondering redirects in both Master and ghpages

   mc: Just being cautious
   ... If we don't need a gh pages, we won't create--no need

   <joanie> master remains the same (unstable, Editor's draft)

   <joanie> gh-pages remains the same (snapshot of Editor's draft)

   mk: Asks about auto ...

   mc; Will set up auto snapshot

   <joanie> NEW: stable branch will be used for Working Draft content (it won't be the Working Draft, however; Michael does the publishing routine.). This is where stuff
   goes when "done" as in completed the new-workflow process agreed upon during TPAC.

   <MichaelC> Workflow proposal

   <joanie> NEW: Version branch (e.g. "1.1") will be done when spec enters CR so we can immediately begin working on new versions.

   jd: i.e. CR == API Freeze

   mk: Asking about tag

   jd: Can branch and tag

   mk: Agree the CR timing

   mc: People outside the WG unlikely to see Editors Drafts

   mk: Concerned it's easy to see what is planned for next rev

   mc: Master would have the things not yet stable

   mk: Asking about picking and choosing what's merged and what's not merged

   jd: Can squash and merge
   ... Leaves us with only one thing to cherry pick in
   ... Believe this isn't difficult, incl merge conflict resolution

   mk: Suggesting Master should be mostly stable

   mc: May need to develop discipline
   ... But note this is for WG participants--not public

   mc; Noting a new tool PR Preview -- generates a preview and may help in workflow

   <joanie> https://github.com/tobie/pr-preview

   mc: Should happen within the coming week
   ... Tooling probably in January
   ... Repo Manager -- tracks changes from non patent agreement contributors

   jg: How will this impact if we have additional Editors?
   ... Isn't this for single Editor?

   jd: No
   ... Work would be in feature branch. Could be many people working there. Only when finished does it move to Master

   mc: This procedure should not intro new conflicts

   mk: Concerned about people continuing to add to feature branch after Master commit
   ... It's the forking which is main concern

   mc: Should not need forks
   ... Key is to protect Master and Stable -- work among many in feature branches should be OK
   ... Are we agreed on publishing timelines?

   mk CfC for APG?

   mk: Have given notice this is coming. Would Tuesday work?

   mc: Can't have CfC closing on pub date
   ... Webmaster will be overloaded on the 14th, would like to pub sooner

   mk: Unsure I can stable our branch by the 5th

   mc: We probably don't need a full 7 day CfC

   janina: Notes group policy is 48-hours

   mk: So CfC closing the 8th?
   ... OK. Let me know anything you need from me

   mc: Messaging?

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

   [End of minutes]

Present: Irfan_Ali Joanmarie_Diggs MichaelC Stefan_Schnabel janina jongund matt_king
Found Scribe: janina
Found Date: 30 Nov 2017


Janina Sajka,	Phone:	+1.443.300.2200
		Email:	janina@rednote.net

Linux Foundation Fellow
Executive Chair, Accessibility Workgroup:	http://a11y.org

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
Chair, Accessible Platform Architectures	http://www.w3.org/wai/apa

Received on Thursday, 30 November 2017 19:11:55 UTC