RE: Change in ARIA 1.1 breaks checkbox/radio with embedded field

As Matt pointed out, this never worked accessibly for AT users. Granted developers always mix things up, which is something I have to deal with every day typically by telling them to stop doing that because it will not work accessibly if they do.

It is totally impossible to predict all combinations that developers will do things badly, but it is however possible to set a specific set of rules that work consistently and tell developers to follow them to make things that work accessibly. I think the purpose of the specification is best served as the second of these, and not the first.

Bryan Garaventa
Accessibility Fellow
Level Access, Inc.
415.624.2709 (o)

From: Schnabel, Stefan []
Sent: Monday, July 03, 2017 12:32 AM
To: Aaron Leventhal <>; ARIA Working Group <>
Subject: RE: Change in ARIA 1.1 breaks checkbox/radio with embedded field

We should be aware that people always mixup things in UI’s and call that “flexible”. At least the most common patterns should be supported, there are also menuitems with edit fields inside etc.

The list of examples may be continued easily, there are also many role=”option” type listbox items out in the wild that may contain interactive focusable subcontent. And yes, this may be an “author error” but it would be better to evolve the children concept towards something that acts more flexible here.

Aria 1.1 Role=”grid” with two columns may be a substitute here but a bit overboard, in addition these cases are never “editable” which grid items are always potentially because of grid role definition..

  *   Stefan

From: Aaron Leventhal []
Sent: Freitag, 30. Juni 2017 21:11
To: ARIA Working Group <<>>
Subject: Change in ARIA 1.1 breaks checkbox/radio with embedded field

ARIA 1.1 says checkbox and radio have childrenPresentational: true, whereas ARIA 1.0 didn't.

Unfortunately, this will break the following use case:

[ ] Delete mail after ___ days

The ___ can be a textfield, combobox, etc. It's the reason that a value is part of the name computation. Unfortunately, when the parent checkbox/radio is childrenPresentational, we truncate the tree at that point and make it a leaf. So there is no object to fire events for when the embedded control gets focused.

<div role="checkbox">Delete mail after <input> days</div>

- Aaron

Received on Monday, 3 July 2017 16:38:33 UTC