Re: ARIA CR exit criteria


Michael has it but we are waiting on a couple implementations on key subsystems before we state the exit criteria. 

If there is a problem we may need to mark a couple features at risk. 

CR exit requires 2 browser implementations using different code basis for each feature. The feature list can be found in the test harness on the ARIA 1.1 wiki.


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> On Sep 2, 2016, at 1:09 PM, Matt King <> wrote:
> I know I should know this …. But could someone please tell me where the ARIA 1.1 CR exit criteria are documented? I do not see a link from the testing wiki. I don’t see anything in the charter, and I don’t see any links from the spec itself.
> Specifically, I have forgotten how we count successful implementations. If a test passes on Chrome for Windows and Chrome for Mac does that count as 1 or 2 implementations?
> Thanks,
> Matt

Received on Saturday, 3 September 2016 20:05:54 UTC