aria-errormessage mappings


Either way we need to separate out an error message from a description. Form elements will have help descriptions and occasionally, we are are also going to have an associated error message. They can’t trample on each other. So, we need a mapping. Also the error message MUST be visible so that all users can benefit from it. Usually the error messages will be transient and we will have multiple error message on a page when multiple form elements become invalid. 

So, we either need a new relationship or we need an an additional described by relationship with some meta data on the target to indicate it is an error message, such as an object attribute. 

We need mapping. ARIA 1.1 freezes June 16 and we need to get this all done to synch with HTML 5.1 and SVG2. 

Please provide an IA2 mapping so that we can copy it in ATK/ATSPI. It should not be stringified. 

This was your last post:

Rich Schwerdtfeger

Received on Tuesday, 24 May 2016 19:51:48 UTC