Re: Conflicting inclusion/exclusion criteria for elements in the accessibility tree (Was: Re: [ARIA] Agenda: March 3, 2016 WAI-ARIA Working Group)

Bryan, Amelia,

On 2016-03-15 2:10 PM, Bryan Garaventa wrote:
> That would be an authoring error, a bad practice, and a critical accessibility issue for the website designer to fix...

On 2016-03-15 2:10 PM, Amelia Bellamy-Royds wrote:
> In that case, I think the author has written a very broken website.

I take it that in the case I outlined, that aria-hidden is being used 
poorly?  Or perhaps the combination of aria-hidden/tabindex="-1".  "On 
the assumption the user can see it ..." and it is actually functional, 
then marking aria-hidden AND tabindex="-1" is a bad idea.

BTW, all I was doing was using the use case from the HTML spec I cited 
earlier, where it says ignoring negative tabindex is okay in certain 
cases.  I didn't see how adding aria-hidden changed that use case.


'Die Wahrheit ist Irgendwo da Draußen. Wieder.'
                  - C. Carter -

Received on Tuesday, 15 March 2016 18:24:29 UTC