Re: aria-ACTION-2065: Add this statement to the core-aam: “user agents are not expected to validate that the active descendant is a descendant of the focused container. “

On 2016-05-12 1:06 PM, Accessible Rich Internet Applications Working
Group Issue Tracker wrote:
> aria-ACTION-2065: Add this statement to the core-aam: “user agents are not expected to validate that the active descendant is a descendant of the focused container. “
> Assigned to: Cynthia Shelly

Such as statement already exists, and is present in the UAIG 1.0 REC. 
It is in the "Author Errors" section.  Quoting from the REC [1]:

" User agents are not responsible for logical validation, such as the
5. Determining whether aria-activedescendant actually points to a
descendant or another owned element.

Is this sufficient?



'Die Wahrheit ist Irgendwo da Draußen. Wieder.'
                 - C. Carter -

Received on Thursday, 2 June 2016 16:26:34 UTC