Re: Mapping of aria-errormessage for ATK/AT-SPI2 and IA2

On 02/23/2016 03:02 PM, Joseph Scheuhammer wrote:
> On 2016-02-23 2:42 PM, Joanmarie Diggs wrote:
>> 4. The object attribute is needed to identify which target (if any)
>>     is an error message.
> Point of clarification:  do you mean, that the object attribute is
> needed to qualify the target as an error-message.


> Also, can you reference an example of such a use in ATK/AT-SPI, where
> there are multiple described-by/description-for relationships in the
> a11y tree?   I just want to see what the tree looks like.

If need be I can do one up in Gtk+ as I don't think there's anything in
ARIA that explicitly calls for there to be multiple
described-by/description-for relations.

That said, the tree would look just like it always does. The presence or
absence of a relationship changes nothing wrt the hierarchy. [*] If you
were using Accerciser, you'd see a more than one item in the list of
Relations in the Interface Viewer. That's it.


[*] The exception being if an implementation were to change parent-child
connections due to something like aria-owns.

Received on Tuesday, 23 February 2016 22:25:30 UTC