Re: ACTION-1490 Combobox enhancement proposal ready for review at today's meeting

On 2016-02-04 7:13 AM, Matt King wrote:
> 3. Specify authors SHOULD use aria-controls but MAY use aria-owns to 
> specify the relationship between the input and the popup.

I have nothing against establishing a conroller-for/controlled-by 
relationship, but ignoring the parent/child relationship is odd. A 
combobox is defined as a combination of a text entry and listbox [1].

If the listbox is not a child of the combobox, what is its parent? There 
will be a listbox accessible in the a11y tree and it will have some 
parent.  The use of aria-owns is reflected in ATK and IA2 by 
establishing a parent-of/child-of inverse relationship between the 
combobox parent and the listbox child that overrides the tree hierarchy 
(note:  IE/Edge actually reorganizes the tree, and FF is considering 
doing the same).

The listbox as a child of the combobox makes more sense than some other 
unrelated accessible parent.



'Die Wahrheit ist Irgendwo da Draußen. Wieder.'
                  - C. Carter -

Received on Thursday, 4 February 2016 16:35:14 UTC