Re: aria-rowspan, aria-colspan, aria-colindex,aria-colcount, aria-rowindex, aria-colcount, figure (Action 2102)

On 9/08/2016 6:06 AM, Joanmarie Diggs wrote:
> I read that. But that's talking about the Table -- and not the TableCell
> -- interface, right?
Well, yes, non-contiguous cells are more of a *direct* issue for the 
table interface, but those two interfaces (table and cell) go hand in 
hand: they necessarily impact each other.

> If I have a cell, and the TableCell -- not the Table -- interface is
> implemented for that cell, then I should be able to ask that cell for
> its span. I don't see how that would be impacted by gaps.
That depends how you map things. From what I can see, the table 
interface doesn't really support non-contiguous cells... or at least, it 
wasn't clear that it would. At the very least, non-contiguous cells will 
break existing versions of NVDA and probably other AT. My recollection 
is that it was decided that the table interface should be contiguous and 
attributes should be used to get the *real* numbers. So, using my 
example, if you have columns 1 and 4 (2 and 3 are a gap), column 4 gets 
mapped to column 2 in the table interface. If column 1 says it has a 
span of 2, we have a problem because the spanned column 2 in the table 
interface maps to ARIA column 4.


James Teh
Executive Director, NV Access Limited
Ph +61 7 3149 3306
Twitter: @NVAccess

Received on Monday, 8 August 2016 22:26:49 UTC