Re: Re: Re: Seeking feedback on draft of section on naming and describing

Hi all,

I committed changes based on the feedback.

As you see from the commit note, this commit does not yet include

1)Bryan’s information about “aria-labelledby”
2)Ann’s suggestion regarding the order of “preference”

ARIA APG would be able to discuss above topics further at the meeting on May 28, not the one taking place next Tuesday.
Stay tuned!


From: Bryan Garaventa <>
Date: Thursday, May 16, 2019 at 7:29 PM
To: Carolyn MacLeod <>
Cc: "" <>, "" <>, "" <>
Subject: RE: Re: Re: Seeking feedback on draft of section on naming and describing
Resent-From: <>
Resent-Date: Thursday, May 16, 2019 at 7:29 PM

There is one thing I wanted to mention within the aria-labelledby section, which is where it states that aria-labelledby is only allowed on the element being computed and not on any of its child elements.

In practice I understand why it is desirable to say this, but this came up during the FTF meeting and we determined that the spec actually allows this on child nodes, and I was asked to make sure this was maintained.

So, aria-describedby is only allowed to be followed on the root node (button for example), however aria-labelledby can be present on a child node of button and will be followed regardless.

Here are the caveats:

  1.  The aria-labelledby referrals can only be followed once, and not on any subsequent elements if encountered there such as by chaining aria-labelledby attributes together on different elements. Only the first will be followed and no others.
  2.  You cannot nest aria-labelledby references, where you have aria-labelledby on the root node as well as on a child node of the root node. In this last case, only the root node will be traversed and none of the child nodes will be parsed.
  3.  Any node that is parsed in the tree as a child or owned element via aria-owns, or as part of an aria-labelledby or aria-describedby traversal, can only be processed once and will be ignored by any other references to itself later by any other attribute or process during this computation. This prevents infinite loops from occurring. So, only the first instance of this node will be processed when encountered in the order of the naming computation, and not by any others after that.

Hopefully this makes sense.

All the best,

Bryan Garaventa
Principal Accessibility Architect
Level Access, Inc.
415.624.2709 (o)<>

From: Carolyn MacLeod <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 14, 2019 12:09 PM
To: Carolyn MacLeod <>
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Seeking feedback on draft of section on naming and describing

CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.

When you write the "Naming by Encapsulation with a Label" section, you might want to specifically mention form elements, and refer back to Cardinal Rule 2: Prefer Visible Text, and Cardinal Rule 3: Prefer Native Techniques.

----- Original message -----
From: "Carolyn MacLeod" <<>>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: Re: Seeking feedback on draft of section on naming and describing
Date: Tue, May 14, 2019 2:24 PM

Great feedback from Ann.
Here's a few more:

1. Typo, aria-labeledby with one l in " Naming with Referenced Content Via aria-labeledby"

2. Consider simplifying:
"There are certain elements that get their name from the content they contain."
by removing a couple of words, as follows:
"Certain elements get their name from the content they contain."

3. Use "affects" with an "a" instead of "effects" with an "e" in the following sentence:
"The aria-label attribute effects assistive technology users..."

4. Clarify the following sentence:
"Note that while using aria-labelledby is similar in this situation to using an HTML label element with the for attribute, one significant difference is that browsers do not automatically make clicking on the label activate the element; that is an author responsibility."
as follows:
"Note that while using aria-labelledby is similar in this situation to using an HTML label element with the for attribute, one significant difference is that browsers do not automatically make clicking on the labelling element activate the labelled element; that is an author responsibility."

5. "inputtype="checkbox"" needs space, and needs to be in <code> element

6. Consider changing "such as" to "including" in:
"It has the highest precedence when browsers calculate accessible names, i.e., it overrides names from child content and all other naming attributes, such as aria-label."
so that it reads:
"...all other naming attributes, including aria-label."

(I stopped reading at the first To-do).


----- Original message -----
From: Ann Abbott <<>>
To: Matt King <<>>
Cc: "<>" <<>>, Ann Abbott <<>>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: Seeking feedback on draft of section on naming and describing
Date: Tue, May 14, 2019 11:24 AM

Review  of

Sectioin 5. Providing Accessible Names and Descriptions:typo in second sentence. " While doing so is straight forward for most elements, technical mistakes that can have devistating impacts..." should be "While doing so is straight forward for most elements, technical mistakes that can have devastating impacts..."

Sectioin 5. Providing Accessible Names and Descriptions: bullets within this section should be formatted as EITHER sentence case OR title case, match the heading of specific subsection and.listed in order of preference. Change to numbered list from bulleted list to denote preference order. Should probably be two lists: one for naming and a second list for describing. Also each listitem should be a link to that specific subsection which should also be ordered by preference. .
Example using title case and two lists ordered by preference:

  *   Naming
1.       Naming by Encapsulation with a Label.
2.       Naming by Referencing Content Via aria-labelledby.
3.       Naming with a String Attribute Via aria-label.
4.       Naming with Child Content.
5.       Naming with Legends and Captions.
6.       Fallback Names Derived from Titles and Placeholders.

  *   Describing
1.       Describing by Referencing Content with aria-details.
2.       Describing by Referencing Content with aria-describedby.
3.       Fallback Descriptions Derived from Titles and Placeholders. (Note: no section exists for this. Either add section or remove bullet.)
Sectioin Rule 3: Prefer Native Techniques follows Section Rule 2: Prefer Visible Text but, based on order of preference, Rule 3: Prefer Native Techniques should be listed first.
Reorder subsections under 5.3.2 Naming Techniques to match order of listitems under Sectioin 5. Providing Accessible Names and Descriptions.

Because naming and describing are two different constructs, care must be taken to not confuse the reader by using 'describing' or 'description' or "descriptiveness" when discussing or defining naming.
· Rule 5: Compose Brief, Useful Names

In the same way that visually crowded screens reduce usability, excessively long or insufficiently distinct and descriptive (remove "and descriptive") accessible names can make a user interface very difficult, or even impossible, to use for someone who relies on a non-visual form of the user interface. In other words, for a web experience to be accessible, the names must be effective. The below section on Composing Effective and User-friendly Accessible Names<> provides guidance for striking an effective balance between brevity and descriptiveness (change "descriptiveness" to "effectiveness" or "usefulness").
#4 Warning under Naming with a String Attribute Via aria-label: typo
"When a user interface is translated into multiple languages, ensure that aria-lable values..." should be " When a user interface is translated into multiple languages, ensure that aria-label values..." Naming with Referenced Content Via aria-labeledby includes a "To-do" for code examples.
#1 Warning under Naming with Referenced Content Via aria-labeledby: typo
" The aria-labelledby property cannot be chained, i.e., if an element with aria-labelled by references..." should be " The aria-labelledby property cannot be chained, i.e., if an element with aria-labelledby references..."

All subsequent sections contain To-do notations, indicating they are not yet complete - review is pending completion.

Kind Regards,

On Mon, May 13, 2019 at 2:33 AM <<>> wrote:

Hi All,

I’d like to discuss the naming and describing section on Tuesday. Please read the current draft, which is about 80% complete, here:

This is a really important section. Please give it a read so we can have substantive discussion.

At this point, I think I have built all of Jon’s feedback into the outline. Although, not all the content is complete; there is still several to-do’s related to that. There are some other placeholder to-do items as well.

Some goals include:

  1.  Comprehensive: all important topics/issues should be addressed.
  2.  Easy to read: clarity of language and simplicity of examples is paramount.
  3.  Easy to scan for specific information; an information architecture that is easy to follow.
  4.  Practical, practical, practical …
  5.  Witout using anti-patterns, help people avoid naming blunders.



Received on Friday, 17 May 2019 01:32:54 UTC