Argumentation Schema Community Group,
Argumentation Community Group,

Thank you for your feedback and comments so far. I’ve refactored the schemas.

I’m exploring two approaches to modeling argument maps. A first approach is to model the relationships between statements or quotations.

Relationship — Extends Intangible<>. A relationship between a subject and an object.
subject: Text<> or Quotation<> or Relationship<> or ItemList<> or URI
object: Text<> or Quotation<> or Relationship<> or ItemList<> or URI

A second approach is to model statements which extend CreativeWork and which can be interrelated.

Statement — Extends CreativeWork<>. A statement.
supports: Statement<> or ItemList<>
supportedBy: Statement<> or ItemList<>
opposes: Statement<> or ItemList<>
opposedby: Statement<> or ItemList<>

I’ll explore how the approaches work in Microdata, RDFa and JSON-LD.

Regardless of approach 1 or 2, a topic of argumentation schemas is to convenience the expression of agreement and disagreement and to support the expression of rationale for so doing.

AgreeQuotation — Extends Quotation<>. A quotation which is agreed with.
rationale: Text<> or ItemList<>

DisagreeQuotation — Extends Quotation<>. A quotation which is disagreed with.
rationale: Text<> or ItemList<>

Best regards,
Adam Sobieski

Received on Monday, 16 January 2017 16:33:52 UTC