inital model and extent model

We've had some initial discussions at The National Archives and have the following feedback

*         Our preference is for model 2: primarily as this stops prolonging confusion over the use of terms like archive item, it would still work across paper and born digital records, and feels like we are starting with a clean slate

*         Is the intention is to replace EAD for data exchange and online publishing, or is it to provide a 'schema light' to aid discoverability, but not replace any existing domain specific schema?

*         If the intention (or likely knock-on effect) is to ultimately replace EAD then there is need for a lot more properties (e.g. in Archive Component type).

*         There is a need to think about the impact on EAD (a hierarchical encoding schema) and about how archives networks could produce outputs from their current systems.

*         How does this work relates to Records In Context (RIC)? RIC is only a conceptual model at the moment but it is going to have an ontology and it would be useful to know if there is any thought to make these shared terms. This will probably depend on the purpose of the extension.

*         Archives should not be considered a sub-type of local business. Museum is treated as a subtype of CivicStructure, which might be a better alternative.

*         Our first impression is that new properties would have to be added to the extension for us to map our wealth of data.

It has been really interesting following the discussion and there is interest at The National Archives in participating further in designing an archival extension, but this partly depends upon its purpose. The more generic higher level it is the less engagement from The National Archives is required, but if the intention is to replace EAD and to expand the number of properties in the archival extension, then The National Archives would be interested in discussing how it could involve itself more in the design process.
Kind regards

Dr Alec Mulinder
Head of Digital Risk, Standards, and Engagement
The National Archives | Kew | Richmond | Surrey TW9 4DU | +44 (0)20 8392 5200 x2554<><>


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