WebRTC opens the door to the Augmented Web!

Hi all,

just thought I'd share a presentation I did today at the Sydney WebRTC 

The key message was that WebRTC is one of the key technologies unlocking 
the Augmented Web and how it enables so much more than just "video 

I'd really be interested to hear people's thoughts on the image 
processing pipeline on slide 6 too.

Also, the rest of May and June are very busy with presentations at the 
AR Standards in New York, a Sensor Journalism workshop at Columbia and 
the Augmented World Expo in Santa Clara.  Then more cool stuff happening 
at ISTAS13 in Toronto.  So expect more presentations and demos over the 
next few weeks 8)

BTW: It also looks like the Media Capture & Streams API Working Group 
have settled on how the "camera facing" constraints/selection is going 
to work so expect that to be rolled out into Chrome and Firefox over the 
next couple of months.  Once that's in place all the key APIs needed for 
real Augmented Web applications will be in place!

Exciting times.


PS: If you haven't heard, @mrdoob will be presenting at the Web3D 
conference in Spain next month.  And there's lots of "AR on the Web" 
discussions happening there too.

Received on Thursday, 23 May 2013 08:34:34 UTC