Re: [XBL] XBL Elements

On Thu, 7 Dec 2006, Cameron McCormack wrote:
> 2 XBL Elements
>   When an XBL element is found inside an element other than those listed
>   under the “Expected contexts” list in the definitions below, it is in
>   error. When an XBL element has a child node that does not satisfy the
>   “Expected children” list in its definition (for instance because it is
>   the wrong node type, wrong element type, or because too many elements
>   of its type preceded it), the child is in error. In both cases, being
>   in error means that the UA must, for the purposes of XBL evaluation,
>   treat the XBL subtree as it would if the erroneous node and all its
>   descendants were not present in the DOM.
> Is this subtree in error?
>   <xbl:xbl>
>     <!-- A comment -->
>   </xbl:xbl>
> since the “Expected children” list for the xbl element does not list 
> comment nodes?  What about whitespace-only text nodes?


>   XBL user agents that do not support CSS should not render the XBL
>   elements other than the div element, which they should render as a
>   paragraph-like element.
> What about UAs that support CSS but not the box model, for example an
> SVG-only UA?  What does a paragraph-like element mean for them?

That's defined by the SVG specification. (Any non-SVG element is ignored.)

Ian Hickson               U+1047E                )\._.,--....,'``.    fL       U+263A                /,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Received on Monday, 8 January 2007 23:26:16 UTC