XForms vs WF2 a new kid on the block is needed

Dear all,

The recent discussions in this list about Web Forms 2 and XForms have 
convinced us of  the correctness and accuracy of Telefonica's position 
(and NexaWeb's) in the WAF group.

It is needed a declarative user interface abstract description language 
intended to the development of applications. That format will hide 
developers from the underlying forms model and their wars.

We, as developers, and telco operators, can't wait for a forms standard 
that "perhaps" solves web application development  issues . A 
declarative format it is needed. We need to be hidden from the browser 
technology. Applications are in an abstraction layer that is above the 
document-oriented browser-layer.

Best Regards

Received on Tuesday, 10 October 2006 08:27:27 UTC