Re: XBL2 Primer - call for public input

This is great Marcos, Anne and Mikko!

One quick comment ...

On Dec 5, 2006, at 11:09 PM, ext Marcos Caceres wrote:

> Fourthly, we also want to provide a "cheat sheet" that shows for  
> each element what it does, what the possible attributes are, any  
> default values, and possibly the content model, and link to examples.
You probably already plan to do this but if not, please include links  
back to the Spec itself. Consequently the Primer to a certain extent  
can be viewed as an annotation to the spec.

Going the other way i.e. having the Spec directly link to the Primer  
would of course also be useful but in practice probably a bit  
difficult to do e.g. keeping the docs in sync, requires co-Editing, etc.


Art Barstow

P.S. Is Mikko's family name mis-spelled?

Received on Wednesday, 6 December 2006 12:13:58 UTC