Re: Horizontal review request: the HTML Standard Review Draft

Hi LĂ©onie, Xiaoqian, all,

I have two questions regarding the scope of the review date-wise on which I think I need your confirmation. In particular, one of the identified PRs falls outside of the established date range [0]. Please could you confirm both of the following? (There're also some updates for APA on the helper scripts, below.)

1. The HTML 5.2 CR was published on 2017-08-08 [1] which matches the given GitHub query. However, the July review draft from WHATWG was published on 2019-07-16 [2] which is slightly earlier than the given query date of the 20th of July. This doesn't change the number of accessibility PRs in the GitHub query, but does change the number of commits not labelled "accessibility" that I also intend to review.

2. The PR #2003: "Remove tab index's synthetic click event feature" [3] was merged on 2016-11-03, which falls outside of the given date range, so appears to be out-of-scope. I am not sure why it's showing up with the search query you gave (nor with the same query with instances of "closed" replaced by "merged").

If you could confirm the review dates and that it's OK to skip PR #2003, please do.

I have two additional bits of info, mainly for APA group members' interest...

3. As discussed on the call last week: I've put the scripts I'm using to assist with this on GitHub [4].

4. For reference: the commits that represent the merging of the various accessibility-labelled PRs [0] (minus PR #2003, as above) are as follows:

d430f275 Refine the inputmode attribute, and expose it on contenteditable
f1f0af83 Add the autocapitalize attribute
97d84321 Adjust the definition of the main element and various examples
1dec930b Restrict the main element to be used once per document
aa374be0 Tweak how accesskey on legend works

best regards,


[0] The PRs from before, sorted chronologically: <>
[1] HTML 5.2 CR: <>
[2] HTML July 2019 Review Draft publication: <>
[3] PR #2003: <>
[4] <>
Matthew Tylee Atkinson
Senior Accessibility Engineer
The Paciello Group
A Vispero Company
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Received on Thursday, 17 October 2019 19:21:44 UTC