Request for joint meeting during TPAC

Dear Rossen, Alan, All:

This is a request for a joint meeting with CSS, ARIA and APA on behalf
of our joint CSS-Accessibility Task Force during the upcoming TPAC in

Noting that both CSS and ARIA are scheduled to meet Monday and Tuesday
of TPAC, I propose we find a mutually agreeable hour during those two days.
Suggestions welcome.

Noting that we have a good list of open issues on our
github<>, please consider the
following agenda for this joint meeting as a starting point. Let's
refine as needed on this email thread.

***Initial Suggested Agenda***

1.)	Controlling Animations

COMMENT:	A reliable mechanism to block, or allow stepping through
animations has been on the accessibility wish list for a long time.
Whenever we examine a particular specification which includes some
animation specificity, it transpires that that particular spec may not
be the appropriate place to globally control animation. We would request
CSS commit to telling us in what specification such control should
reside by some date certain, though we don't necessarily expect that by
this TPAC!

2.)	Aural Transformation and Control

COMMENT:	We have two subtopics here which beg the global
question: Does CSS see itself defining and managing aural presentations?

	a.)	Text Transforms and

	b.)	Controlling Correct TTS Pronunciation
	Gap Analysis<>
	which considers whether CSS-Speech might meet the TF's

3.)	Is it time to create a CSS-AAM?

Additional topics and comments welcome via this github page:


Janina Sajka, Chair
Accessible Platform Architectures (APA) 


Janina Sajka

Linux Foundation Fellow
Executive Chair, Accessibility Workgroup:

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
Chair, Accessible Platform Architectures

Received on Tuesday, 20 August 2019 22:55:02 UTC