Re: WebRTC Browser to Browser Use cases

Hi Janina,

Thanks for the reply - very useful. Some comments inline

> I suspect these may be implemented, though I don't know for sure. Also,
> WebRTC is likely to be implemented as a separate application,[...].
> We should probably learn whether or not Zoom is implementing RTC:

Ok, I can do some digging on this and see what I come up with. I'm not 
sure if implementation details on these platforms are publicly available 
but lets see.

The use cases you outline are very good! I've captured them. If we could 
make this an agenda item for an upcoming APA call, that would be great, 
get working group input on other uses cases etc.



Emerging Web Technology Specialist/A11y (WAI/W3C)

Received on Monday, 15 April 2019 09:40:32 UTC