Draft-y A11Y Considerations test (again)

After today's APA Payments User Requirements meeting, I was tasked with
making slight updates to the drafy text I had provided two weeks ago.  The
updated text is below.

Please remember that this is meant to be EXAMPLE text that will need to be
customized by/for each relevant specification.  It is not meant to be a
boilerplate that will be stuffed into a specification with no thought as to
whether it is relevant.

With that in mind, please consider:

This specification has no defined user interface. In addition, there are no
specific accessibility requirements on implementations. However, to the
extent that an implementation provides user interactions in support of this
specification, the implementation must ensure that the interface for those
interactions is exposed to the platform accessibility API. Moreover,
implementors should take into consideration the needs of their users with
varying abilities when designing solutions that implement this
specification. As an example, the use of biometric authentication
techniques should provide for enough variation to allow for people with
widely differing physical abilities. See the W3C Accessibility Guidelines
documents for more information.

Shane McCarron
Projects Manager, Spec-Ops

Received on Thursday, 18 August 2016 15:53:37 UTC