[ANN] Spanish introduction to Annotea

Hi all, I've written a spanish introduction to annotea [1], where you 
can find a brief description about what is Annotea, how to use it, which 
clients and servers are available, etc. Of course is not as complete as 
I wish, but at least is something. I hope this is the right list to send 
the announcement, if it's not, please excuse me.

[1] http://f14web.com.ar/inkel/2004/12/15/anotame.html
F14: http://f14web.com.ar/
weblog: http://f14web.com.ar/inkel/blog/
MSN: inkel.ar@gmail.com
ICQ: 68476573
Yahoo: inkel_rss

Received on Friday, 25 March 2005 03:47:32 UTC