Re: Annotea / Firefox problems example directories missing

OK, I am not sure what happened.  But I kept trying to configure things,  
and after configuring stuff, applying it and closing the browser and  
trying again a few times it now seems to work.

Nicely. It's fetching your bookmarks for me as well as my own :-)

A little bug though, in the datastores list, where there is a space that  
isn't encoded as %20 the software seems to split it. So it offered me  
something like

[] [] file:///done%20correctly/gives/no%20problems%20BUT
[] [] file:///My
[] [] Documents/something
[] [] with
[] [] spaces/etc/etc



On Wed, 02 Mar 2005 14:24:50 -0500, Marja Koivunen <>  

> Marja Koivunen wrote:
>> Charles McCathieNevile wrote:
>>> I tried to install the shared bookmarks stuff today on Firefox. I am   
>>> running Windows, and Firefox
>>> When I start Firefox I get the following messages:
>>> It couldn't load a bookmark store that was a local file. I wonder if  
>>> this  is a default filename that got installed.
>>> message:
>>> [[[
>>> The following bookmarsktores cannot be loaded
>>> file://... (ran off the edge of the alert window)
>>> Correct URI or unselect store and try again
>>> ]]]
>> I need to check if the Profile store tag is not working right or if it  
>> is affected by the fact that the profile files are usually hidden in  
>> your computer.
> And yes, the extension loads some example bookmark files to either  
> profile defaults directory or the chrome defaults directory. They are  
> located in defaults/ubiextras/testdata directory. I also set the default  
> bookmark store directory and a default bookmark file preferences at the  
> configure. They will be used in as a starting point for browsing and  
> loading bookmarks.
> So I would also want to know if the default/ubiextras exists?
> Marja

Charles McCathieNevile - Vice Presidente - Fundacion Sidar            
     (chaals is available for consulting at the moment)

Received on Wednesday, 2 March 2005 20:24:56 UTC