Re: Automatic information in bookmarks

Interesting idea. Can you tell more details about your scenario?

Basically it should be no problem to give that option. There are couple of 
things that we need e.g.

- Where is the metadata located? What source you want to get the metadata from?
- What properties you want? I don't have anything programmed to look all 
Dublin Core properties but I looking them up from the schema and retrieving 
them should not be a problem. 

XPCOM basically offers an API for retrieving combinations of subject predicate 
object, where some of them are fixed from metadata stores.


Quoting Charles McCathieNevile <>:

> Hi Marja,
> Idon't know much about XPCOM programming, but it struck me that since of  
> the three extensions I have installed to Firefox one is Ubimarks and one  
> is a Dublin Core inspector, it would be really useful if the bookmark  
> information automatically incuded whatever dublin core information it can  
> find about a page...
> Cheers
> -- 
> Charles McCathieNevile                      Fundacion Sidar
>   +61 409 134 136

Received on Tuesday, 19 April 2005 14:41:58 UTC