from August 2016 by subject

[w3c/web-platform-tests] Annotation model first real tests (#3509)

[web-annotation] Add info about which Media Type to Model

[web-annotation] Avoid mixed-content error with JSON-LD context

[web-annotation] Avoid mixed-content error with JSON-LD context in HTTPS

[web-annotation] Cardinality of the processingLanguage?

[web-annotation] Clarify principle that features of external resources are not authoritative

[web-annotation] Clarify scope of the key 'purpose' in Section 3.3.5

[web-annotation] ed sugg: textDirection

[web-annotation] Exit criteria

[web-annotation] Fix 333 multiple http headers

[web-annotation] How do we model "groups" in the Annotation model?

[web-annotation] Legal IRI for Annotation Containers

[web-annotation] MUST ETag on GET, but only SHOULD If-Match on PUT and DELETE

[web-annotation] Next/Prev are untestable

[web-annotation] Processing language for mono-lingual and internationalized resources

[web-annotation] Processing language for multilingual resources

[web-annotation] processLanguage description improvement suggestion

[web-annotation] Protocol examples should use comma separated headers in examples

[web-annotation] Protocol Paging content editorial restructuring

[web-annotation] Relationship between dc:language and processing language for multilingual resources

[web-annotation] Replace textDirection property with recommendation for including control characters in the text

[web-annotation] Requirements for Agents

[web-annotation] TextPositionSelector, thoughts about Unicode code *point* vs. UTF16 code *unit*

[web-annotation] The textDirection and processingLanguage properties are not needed

Agenda: Telco 2016-08-05

Agenda: Telco 2016-08-12

annotation data model -- running test scripts

Annotation Model - Testing Annotation Keys

Changes to wptreport to improve the output

Closed: [web-annotation] Cardinality of the processingLanguage?

Closed: [web-annotation] Container Representations section should be more demanding

Closed: [web-annotation] Protocol examples should use comma separated headers in examples

Closed: [web-annotation] Replace textDirection property with recommendation for including control characters in the text

Closed: [web-annotation] Requirements for Agents

Fwd: If-Match and Weak ETags

If-Match and Weak ETags

Making the annotation tests more informative

Meeting minutes, 2016-08-12

Meeting minutes, 2016-08-26

Minutes of meeting 2016-08-19

Minutes of meeting, 2016-08-05

progress on schemas for model testing

Question about annotation IDs

testdev repository

Tests pushed

Web Anno Agenda: Telco: 2016-08-19

Web Anno Agenda: Telco: 2016-08-26

Last message date: Wednesday, 31 August 2016 23:02:03 UTC