Fragment URIs incompatible with Fragment Selectors? says
"Fragment URIs are not compatible with other methods of describing the
segment more specifically, described in the Specific Resources section"

But I wonder why the two must be incompatible.
- It seems to me that in, using a URL with
fragment (e.g. <target1#fragment>) instead of an unrelated URL (e.g.
<sptarget1>) would be nicer
- the fragment is not sent by a client to the server, is that the problem?
   If so, please add it to the list of "consequences" at
   I'm not sure that's a problem, eg NIF uses <#char=start,end> URLs with

(Otherwise, I agree that URLs are opaque, and providing the fragment in a
separate field is a better practice)


Received on Monday, 14 September 2015 09:39:03 UTC