Re: [web-annotation] Annotation alsoKnownAs <uri>

If the annotation specifies its own ID in the form a URI all of this 
is solved. Using JSON-LD as an example, you could dereference and see `"@id": 
""` and that's totally 

If the annotation is being re-published because some system wants to 
add information to it, then it's maybe not `owl:sameAs` anymore. It's 
a different resource, with possibly new content, `prov:derivedFrom` 
makes sense. But so does rel=canonical.

Anyway, is this a data model issue or a protocol issue? It's tagged as
 "model" here, but I'm not sure it really is an issue with the model.

GitHub Notif of comment by tilgovi

Received on Tuesday, 27 October 2015 22:36:07 UTC