Question about body and motivatedBy

Hi again,
we are discussing about the correct interpretation about motivatedBy

Our Web Annotation model tries to fit both implementation and model
correctness needs.
At the moment we use body as a graph, cause we provide a client that
permits a sort of semantic tagging about the target (that we used to
identify as *oa:SpecificResource*)
Our body graph contains triple as:

<target1> <predicate> <object>

where <predicate> could be any of those predicates:* cito:cites*,
*cito:describes*, *cito:repliesTo,* *rdfs:comment*,
*cito:includesQuotationFrom *and predicates used for
other purposes for example temporal tagging, spatial tagging, identifying
target as LOD resource (<target> <identifyAs> <dbpedia:Paris>), identifying
target as a Class (<target> <dcterms:type> <foaf:Person>).

We are discussing about a particular motivation that could cover all of
these (and other)
cases, and from our point of view the correct one could be *oa:tagging*.
Because actually we are doing semantic tag about a resource.
Is that correct?


Received on Friday, 29 May 2015 08:38:56 UTC