Discovery/Search user stories

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# Discovery of Read services:

## "Follow your Nose" Discovery of Annotations:

* As an annotation client developer, I want to find one or more lists of
annotations that target the current resource loaded in the user's browser
in order to display the annotations to the user.  I want to be able to
follow links to those lists, to avoid knowing how to construct URLs or
requests for different systems.  I want to receive a consistent structure
in the response whenever I follow those links in order to avoid writing
multiple implementations of the same functionality.

* As an annotation client developer, I want to find one or more lists of
annotations that target part of the resource loaded in the user's browser,
regardless of how that segmentation or constraint is specified in the
annotation, in order to display the annotations to the user associated with
the correct segment.

* As an annotation client developer, I want to find one or more lists of
annotations that target embedded resources within the web page that is
currently loaded in my user's browser, or part of those embedded resources,
in order to display the annotations to the user.  For example, annotations
directly on images that are embedded within the page should be available to
me along with the annotations on the text within the page.

* As a content publisher, I want my users to be able to see annotations
about my resources in order to become better informed about them, and
generate community around my content.  I do not want to change my current
publication look and feel or user experience, whether that contains the
annotations or not.  I want to be able to point to the lists of
annotations, regardless of whether they are on my server or in another

## "Query" Discovery of Annotations:

* As an annotation client developer, I want to find one or more lists of
annotations in external annotation providing systems that target the
current resource loaded in the user's browser, that target some segment or
more specific version of it, that target a resource embedded within it, or
that target some segment or more specific version of a resource embedded
within it, [editorial: phew!] in order to display those annotations to the
user.  The external system is not known to the resource publisher, or
publishers and there is no reference to it from the resource.  My users
have configured the client to know where to look, the client needs to know
how to interact with the remote service and retrieve a consistent
representation of the list.

* As an annotation server developer, I want to provide lists of annotations
about arbitrary resources on the web on demand to clients in order to allow
the client to display those annotations to the user and promote the use of
my service.

* As a content publisher, I want to know what my users are saying about my
content in systems that I do not control. I do not want to promote the use
of those remote systems by linking to them. I want to be able to construct
a request to the remote system to retrieve the annotations on my content,
either on a resource by resource basis, or more broadly across my entire
web site.

# Discovery of Write Services

* As an annotation client developer, I want to find one or more services in
which my user can create annotations in order to play nicely with content
providers wanting annotations on their content to reside with them, and to
avoid having to implement my own annotation server.

* As an annotation server developer, I want to make it easy for clients to
discover my service in order to quickly and easily gain content that I can
then mine, analyze and sell services over top of.

* As a content publisher, I want annotations to be stored at least in my
own annotation server in order to make use of that user generated content
to drive search and analytics.  I want arbitrary annotation clients to know
where my server is and how to interact with it without having to implement
anything special for my content.

Rob Sanderson
Information Standards Advocate
Digital Library Systems and Services
Stanford, CA 94305

Received on Wednesday, 15 July 2015 17:19:39 UTC