Re: [h-dev] JavaScript Anchoring Utility Libraries

On 13 Jul 2015, at 20:10, Randall Leeds wrote:
> Fragment Selector:
> Text Position Selector:
> Text Quote Selector:
> All of these have been published on npm as alpha versions, which means you
> have to specify the version explicitly when installing them for now.
> I would appreciate any feedback on these and I hope that they are useful
> for implementations or discussion.

I've had a look through all three of these, and overall I think they look great! Simple, nice. Lovely.

Only one question and a couple of comments: 

- what's the basis for the 32 character prefix/suffix for TextQuoteAnchor? I'm sure it's fine but regardless of whether it is a magic number of there's more to it, it should be a constant, not inlined in a couple of places through the code.

- a handful of judiciously placed comments would help with code comprehension -- particularly in the TextPositionAnchor and to a lesser extent the TextQuoteAnchor code.

- couple of minor typos (link syntax) in the dom-anchor-text-position README.


Received on Wednesday, 15 July 2015 05:23:02 UTC