Re: [Agenda] Teleconference 21 January 2015


Unfortunately, I *think* I will be on a plane exactly at that time.

Quick report:
- Face to face is Apr 22— we’re green to go.  
- W3C should handle all logistics and planning for that except for the reservation of the room and lunch, which will be provided.  I can discuss offline w/ the chairs/staff.
- I Annotate is Apr 23-24 (hack days 25-26) please register if you intend to attend.
- If you’d like to stay at the hotel we’ve blocked out, please let me know directly.
- If you need travel support (i.e. cannot attend without it), ask now.

(I think Benjamin is also on a plane during this call).


On January 20, 2015 at 4:37:15 AM, Frederick Hirsch ( wrote:

This is the agenda for Wed 21 January teleconference. Please note - Dan, Benjamin and Paolo, you are listed on certain topics.


Wednesday 21 January 2015

1 Agenda Review, Scribe Selection, Announcements

2. Minutes Approval proposed RESOLUTION: 17th December 2014 minutes approved:

3. Face to Face meeting discussion [Dan Whaley] [10 minutes]

Status of I Annotate and co-located face to face meeting? What are the logistics issues, volunteers to help? N.B. Need to have details finalized 8 weeks before the date = Feb 25th deadline.

4. Use cases [Benjamin Young, Paolo Ciccarese] [20 minutes]

Status? Having convincing and easy to understand narratives will help recruit participants. Link:

5 Protocol [Rob Sanderson] [15 minutes]

Discussion: How do we make progress while still collecting use cases? Discuss working with LDP, Social WGs and any other parties. Link:

6 Data Model Issues/Review [Rob Sanderson, Paolo Ciccarese] [10 minutes]

Discussion: There have been some discussions about data model issues after the FPWD. We should review and schedule time to work on the issues while not alienating participants who have less interest in this area.

7. Any Other Business?

Upcoming meetings : January 28

8. Adjourn

Received on Wednesday, 21 January 2015 11:55:12 UTC