Re: [agenda] Web Annotation WG TPAC F2F Agenda (2014-10-28)

Dear All,

2014. okt. 24., p 10.26-kor-kor, Frederick Hirsch <> 
> Dear all,
> We have two joint sessions scheduled for Monday 27 October, for those 
> who are able to attend:
> [...]
> (2) Monday 16:00 - 17:00 Joint meeting with WebApps WG to discuss 
> Robust Anchoring (to be held at WebApps meeting)

Is there anyone who is traveling from San Francisco to Santa Clara for 
this meeting today?

If yes, we could go together, and use the time on caltrain to discuss 
some of the ideas.

   Kristof Csillag

Received on Monday, 27 October 2014 16:14:51 UTC